Nom De Plumage

Chicken Piccata

Chicken Piccata

We wanted to add a couple of chickens to the flock.  

But we didn’t think it would be because we have to rehome our beloved Mary.  Ultimately, the Rooster.  

We still aren’t 100% that Mary is a rooster, but he’s aggressive, built like a brick house, and beautifully iridescently feathered.  And he appears to be growing spurs on his back legs and saddle feathers.

Oh yeah–and he crows.

So, we went to Rockmart GA to peruse a selection of older pullet HENS (just slightly younger than ours) to go with our flock.  We can’t stomach more heartache and mystery when chicken dealers can’t sex their chicks.

Naming with some sense of the inane was important so we enlisted the help of our hilarious friend, Cindy.

Names Du Jour (some stuck with pluck):

Omeletta Von Pluck

Tammy & Eggness

Tammy & Eggness

Tammy Wynette (we used it for our fancy and rare blue-laced red-wing Wyandotte)–known for the hit song, “Stand by your Rooster.”

Eggs Benedict II (for our very high-hatted Polish)

Dottie Au Vin

Cluckethia the Eggnificent

Le Comtesse de Piccata-Marsala (The Polish Fancy ended up with this name)

Eggness Von Featherstein (for our Fancy French Black Copper Maran)

Attila the Hen


Hensational Von Eggenstein

Lady Tikka Masala

Cock-A-Noodle Soup


Some Conversations:

Walker: I really like Eggelina Jolie.
Cindy Gunnemann:  Just don’t cage her with Jennifer Egginstan. That would not end well.


Walker:  How about Ellen DeHenneres?

Cindy: And her wife, Portion de Rotisserie?

Garden Cyclops

I am writing this with one eye. That might not be wholly accurate, as my fingers are doing the typing, not the left eyeball. The right eye is swollen shut.  Well, not entirely true either--it’s glued shut with the gel of an aloe vera  plant.  The literal piece of the aloe … [Continue reading]

Don’t Be a Chimp

Walker:  Do you think we come from gorillas, Mama? Me:  No, chimpanzees. Walker:  Whatever.  Some kind of primate? Me:  Yeah, totally.  For example, you're a total chimp. Walker:  MAMA! … [Continue reading]

Yeah, I am a Crazy Chicken Lady

I'm out in the yard, with a shovel, sipping red zin, watching the skies (wait for it) a hawk. And, for the hawk. I'm full on alert, ready to do battle if it comes to that, although I would prefer to not harm to a gorgeous raptor. That said, I'm keeping four feet between … [Continue reading]

Spring Chickens

  So I am the tender of a tender flock of chickens:   some mundane, some fancy-pants.  And I quite adore them.  Someone asked me today:  “Why do you have chickens?”  It’s a fine question. I live in the City of Atlanta, after all.  This woman lives in the southern … [Continue reading]