Archives for 2012

My Cat is a Tranny

Walter the cat is. He really is. And I don’t mean that Walter cross dresses because that’s just silly. He’s more of a transpecies rather than transgendered. Although if he sashayed by in a dress, I wouldn’t be that shocked. He’s an anything-is-possible kind of puss. He has a sardonic wit with an appreciation for electric adventure, even if he prefers khakis and Brooks Brothers shirts. … [Read more...]

Somebody Bring Me Some Less Narcissist Story-telling

We began the evening at a Mexican restaurant near the concert hall.  It was a pleasant evening in the ATL, with a little rain, but the temp was nice.  We all wore our lesbian attire in jacket wear:  either black leather, oversized camp jacket, or fleece.  It’s a requirement, y’all—especially if you’re on your way to a Melissa Etheridge concert. We decided that we would stick together, as a … [Read more...]

Southern Ghosts Don’t Play, Y’all

Lately, I’ve been doing a fair amount of ghost-hunting.  Most of it an occupational bonus, with my day job of historic renovations. Yes, I’m serious.  If you are a non-believer or already think I’m full of shit, I get it.  There are websites for you and mine won’t be one of them.  You are a left brain sort and you loved organic chemistry, excelled on the debate team, and currently work as a … [Read more...]