Rooster & The Beag

Furry Meatloaf Spectators

Furry Meatloaf Spectators

The tennis match was fun, but I was looking forward to my meatloaf during the entire last set.  Apparently, I was not the only one.  Walter  “Roo-Roo”  Rooster was waiting to see where I’d land. Rylee The Beag hedged her bets and was camped out on the end of the couch.

Note in first photo they feign to check out the room at large.

Heads turned.  Like, “Hey, what a co-inky-dink that we are all gathered here.”


Subtlety erased
Subtlety erased
The Beag is Pained

The Beag is Pained

Rylee then realizes that she miscalculated her position.  The cat has upper paw with proximity to the loaf–The Rooster dominates The Beag.  The Beag decides to lay low, stick with the non-aggressive posturing, avoid a slap to the snout.

But that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t suffer so.  With the cat’s focus elsewhere, she dares to sneak a sad, sly peek my way.  It’s a futile and desperate last play.

Her positioning is sub-par and she doesn’t dare to take on the Alpha Rooster.

Brow furrowed in deep regret, she can only hope that this last emotional plea will get her diet of sweet potato and green beans augmented with gourmet meatloaf.