Unimaginable Loss at Sandy Hook Elementary

I’m taking my emotionally drained self to bed.  This shooting has hollowed me out.  Too much empathy and I cried earlier.  Couple glasses of wine and the nightly news and it was a rain fest.  I really lost it. Little innocent children, all 20 of them dead. Walker’s passions … [Continue reading]

Volunteering Gone Horribly Wrong

At Walker’s school, volunteering is mandatory—you have to put in a certain amount of hours per year.  It’s still very minimal, especially compared to past co-op preschools where it was like having a second full time job.  I do more hours because Walker’s face lights up when I … [Continue reading]

Pour Drama on Your Wound

My soapbox is out.  This is a public service announcement. Some people stub a toe.  Some trip and break an arm.  Some, like my client, tackle a thief caught red-handed in his office at GA Tech, stealing computers and other expensive office equipment.  Like a super hero, Clark … [Continue reading]

They Want to Shoot Things I’d Rather Cuddle

I was at the lake in remote Alabama this weekend, like I often am.  And when you have things done at the lake, you often call on fellas that sport camouflage hats and pants, beards and deadpan expressions, men that arrive in pick ‘em up trucks, y’all.  With gun racks.  You might … [Continue reading]

My Cat is a Tranny

Walter the cat is. He really is. And I don’t mean that Walter cross dresses because that’s just silly. He’s more of a transpecies rather than transgendered. Although if he sashayed by in a dress, I wouldn’t be that shocked. He’s an anything-is-possible kind of puss. He has … [Continue reading]