Garden Cyclops

I am writing this with one eye. That might not be wholly accurate, as my fingers are doing the typing, not the left eyeball. The right eye is swollen shut.  Well, not entirely true either--it’s glued shut with the gel of an aloe vera  plant.  The literal piece of the aloe vera plant’s tip. What a random and lucky break that we shot that commercial for the Eastern Bank of Boston.  What a … [Read more...]

Yodeling Pickle: A Gift That is NOT Kermit’s Penis

You know how the Universe throws shit at you? Yeah you do. Like, you’re going along and minding your Ps and Qs and then BAM!  Something happens that renders you into a quivering pile of cytoplasm. Or maybe it was some fabulous thing like falling smack dab in love. Or getting a tasty work promotion or adopting a new adorable kitten and finding that kitten likes to sleep wrapped around … [Read more...]